Spread Wings Like a Bee

In mid-2016, Iruristic English Learning (IEL) was established by Aisyah Mumary Songbatumis (an English Education student of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY)). At first, it was named as AMS Online English Course (abbreviation of her name) for she worked by herself. The background of how IEL began was when the founder had to carry out an undergraduate thesis as the requirement of her graduation. At that time, the majority of her fellow English students found it extremely challenging and difficult to get the writing done - particularly on these (i.e. diction, grammar, coherence, cohesion, ideas, etc.). This phenomenon and (an advice from a teacher) eventually encouraged the founder to run a service of proofreading, language consultation, translation, and English course. As time goes by, IEL has become the reference for students in UMY to be the language adviser. Since then IEL is known not only by students in Yogyakarta, but also in other parts of Indonesia. As a result, in Festival of Entrepreneurship 2017, IEL got an opportunity to display. IEL had had a long journey of teaching experiences. Since the beginning, online is the IEL’s main medium to do the teaching. That is why, students enrolled in IEL to study TOEFL/English are various, such as from East Java, Yogyakarta, and West Nusa Tenggara. The teaching frequently takes place on online platform, such as WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger. Besides teaching English-related materials, students in IEL, especially children are taught to memorize short hadiths and its transliteration (for Muslim). Once after the founder’s graduation, IEL, which was based in Bantul Yogyakarta, moved to West Sumbawa. Here, IEL started to play its role in wider community and tried to contribute more towards English teaching and learning in remote areas. Technically speaking, IEL can also be called as non-profit organization for it does not charge a penny to students who are in nonsupporting financial state. Currently, IEL has expanded its wings of networking by involving new co-workers/team from various educational backgrounds. The team is divided into four elements; teaching, translation, and language consultation. Teaching team are Ayu Kurnia Azizah (English graduate of Universitas Cardova Sumbawa), Yunda Sasmita (English graduate of Universitas Mataram), Yulnada Sari and Riska Yuliani (English Education graduate of UMY); translation team are Sayyidah Cahyani Bilandari (English Letters graduate of UIN Maliki Malang) and Wulinda Rizka (English Education graduate of UMY); language consultation team are Agus Sumantri (English Education graduate of UMY). The name of Iruristic itself is the combination of both English and Sumbawa language; iru (which means bees) and uristic (means heuristic; a method of teaching). To sum up, IEL has the aspiration to be useful as bees and implement heuristic method, where students are allowed to learn by discovering things themselves and learning from their own experiences. In other sense, IEL is to assist, guide, supervise, and facilitate the learning. In the long run, IEL is expected to be the source of English teachers and those who want to master English as the place to facilitate enhance, elevate, brim over with teaching and learning ideas, as well as to make their dream true, in distant areas for particular. Best, IEL team 21 June 2018 / 14:10 pm


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